Thursday, October 6, 2016

Shinobu (Bakemonogatari)

I feel like it's been years since I last posted anything but I've been busy with some school stuff and I haven't had time to come back here. I'm not entirely happy with this piece but my brother asked me to draw this for him. I'm changing my style up a bit from now on and hopefully it'll make it look better. If anyone has anything they would like for me to draw just comment down below and I'll get back to you. Thanks for checking in here and look forward to my next one ;)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Krul Tepes (おわりの せらふ)

It's been a while since I last posted anything here because I, sadly, just got lazy. Like I said in the previous post, I started doing CG on a, still borrowed, graphics tablet. I like the character she has in the anime. She's strong, very strong considering she is a pure blooded vampire. I'm not actually too sure what draws me toward the character, but it just does. I just realized her hair is cut off but now I can't do anything about it because all the layers have been combined.*Sigh* If and when you draw, what problems do you face?

P.S. I will try to keep posting for those of you who take the time to look through my blog. Thank you for your support!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Animal Silhouettes

Some really cool animal silhouettes that resemble the animal's true nature and habitat. When I put it like that it sounds a bit too scientific to be from an artist, but that's what comes to mind. I always love the coloring in these drawings which allow me to feel the environment of every creature. Whether cold, hot, dry, or a forest. So which do you feel makes you feel the most? 

Grimmjow (Bleach)

I haven't posted anything since school went out. Been so long it feels like. Well I picked up CG which is actually really fun using my friend's Intuos graphics tablet, which I should give back to her, and have started... Which I have just realized I didn't save anything... Shoot...Uhhh well that's that, so how has you're summer been so far?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

One Look at Life

I wouldn't say this spoke to me, but I know it did stand out among the pictures. What I find amazing is that it looks like it was the same place all 365 days that the picture was taken. It also makes me happy to know some parts of the world are made of nature that isn't and won't be disturbed. My favorite season is winter because that is the season I have the most memories of, both bad and good. Me and my siblings would go out to make an igloo in the backyard, or when my sister was pushed on the ice and had gotten 4 stitches on her chin. What is your favorite season?

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Colors of a Bond

I'm not sure what I was thinking when I saw this piece of art, but I knew it should be named this. You know that feeling you get when the moment you see it, you know it has to be something? Yeah well that's how I thought of this name. I love how the colors of the two cats are combined in the center to create a heart which I feel represents a bond that only they two, who have their own colors, can create.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Hypnotic Eyes



When I look at numbers 1 and 4 I think a cat. Most likely because of the vertical pupils, but what else in a cat, or any animal for that matter, helps you identify that animal? For me it's the intent in their eyes. Domestic dogs show the happiness of a small child playing with family and friends, while cats have a somehow wiser and independent look, if that makes any sense. When I was younger I had trouble looking people directly in the eye, perhaps it was what I was taught in Japan when I was younger, but it doesn't make a difference. People also hold power in their gaze which, like it did me, deters people from making eye contact. Is it power? Or is it something that says danger?  If you have a pet, how would you describe their eyes? If not then look at your family/friends eyes for a couple seconds, what do you see?