Sunday, March 20, 2016

Leone (Akame Ga Kill)(あかめがきる)

This is a little CG I did a while ago on my phone. It actually takes a lot of patience to do large art on a small screen like a phone. Hoping to get a graphics tablet sometime soon so I can draw with ease. If you guys have a preferred brand feel free to comment.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Society's Perfect World

I'm sure a few of you have felt a connecting to this poem, whether indirectly or personally, but I feel like this embodies the true ---"voice" of society where everyone is free to do anything they want as long as others are around to accept it. This poem is another version of art that others don't see carry great meaning.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Forest of Beginnings and Ends

Beautiful concept art that I found while looking for something to draw. 

If you would like to request a drawing just comment on any one of these posts, and I will do my best to fulfill it to the best of my abilities.

Credit goes to original owner

Colors of Life

Please don't wash away my colors in this black and white world
I thought this was a sad, yet almost beautiful drawing. I see it as the effects of society's view on how one is, and how they should be. However you see this as I hope you can see the beauty in it as I did.

Help the Life Around Us

I have come to truly admire this artist who depicts animals who cry for their home but live on in hopes of a better world for them. Jonna Scandy Girl is a 21-year old artist in Finland who shares in on the fear of many, which is the existence of lives around us.